What A Man Can Do

Can I take you out tonight
A walk on the beach
Or dine by candlelight

Deep conversation
Or gentle persuasion
Let me be what you need

I can be a shoulder to cry on
I can be a friend to depend on

Let me show you what a man can do
Be strong and sensitive for you
Let me show you what a man can do
Baby let me show you…


“…the element that ultimately sets Anthony apart is a staggeringly high and powerful tenor range that dwarfs the vocal potency of his stylistic mentors.”

FREE Music!

Click here to get my album,
What A Man Can Do, free!

The album is comprised of 9 original songs and a reimagined version of Barbra Streisand's 'Prisoner' from The Eyes Of Laura Mars film. It was featured in BILLBOARD magazine.

The link to download my album will be in your confirmation email. By joining my community, you will get occassional emails about shows, livestreams, new music, etc.

  1. What A Man Can Do John Anthony 1:01
  2. Lover's Night John Anthony 0:37
  3. Who Do You Think You're Foolin' John Anthony 0:36
  4. Waiting John Anthony 0:47
  5. Prisoner John Anthony 1:07
  6. Lost and Found John Anthony 0:52
  7. Soul Pride John Anthony 0:38
  8. Close My Eyes John Anthony 0:41
  9. Another Time, Another Place John Anthony 0:36
  10. How Do You Feel John Anthony 0:37

John Anthony - Singer, Performer - Free Music